Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Exclusive: Konstantin’s Cruel Plan May Bring ‘Xarah’ Back Together for Their ‘End Game’


Days of Our Lives Exclusive: Konstantin’s Cruel Plan May Bring ‘Xarah’ Back Together for Their ‘End Game’


Days mashup with Maggie shocked, Konstantin, Angry Xander and Sarah and Theresa each on the phone

Credit: Peacock screenshot (3), Jill Johnson/JPI (2) 

We’ll give Konstantin this: He’s nothing if not a man with ambitions! Of course the smooth-talking Days of Our Lives villain is also proving to be downright cruel and opportunistic, but hey, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, right?

But now that he’s had Theresa swipe baby Victoria, so he could play the hero, find her, rescue her and break down any resistance Sarah has to him. It’s extreme and it’s vicious, but it could also have one unintended consequence: Bringing Xander and Sarah back together again! And that can’t be good for the Greek con.

So far, we’ve seen the new parents bouncing between being at each other’s throats and tentative attempts at peace as they get ready to fight for custody of baby Victoria in court. And that’s been just fine with Paul Telfer and Linsey Godfrey. When spoke with them, Telfer couldn’t help but cheer on how exciting it was to play the outright animosity.

A wide-eyed Theresa glares at Konstantin. She wears a black hoodie over her head.



It was, he pointed out, the first time the on-again-off-again couple came back together and “we hate each other straight away and Sarah’s giving it back. I was really proud of those scenes when I saw them and they came out great. We’d never really gotten to do that before because there was always all the tears and stuff, whereas this was just us ripping into each other.”

Of course, that’s all well and good, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to last — especially as Xander’s already offered to drop the case. And that’s sure to thrill “Xarah” fans!

“As we come closer again,” Telfer added, “there’s just so much more on the table and more honesty between them now, off the back of all this conflict that hopefully, if we were to carry on, then [the relationship] would be built on a stronger foundation this time, not of lies and deceit and kidnapping.”

And while we keep getting glimpses of Sarah and Xander wanting to put their fighting aside, it’s been tough to imagine how that could happen as they keep getting in their own way with the custody battle. But if there’s one thing that brings people together, it’s worrying over their children, and Konstantin is about to provide that in spades.

An emotional Sarah talks with Maggie on the Kiriakis living room couch.

He’s trying to win Sarah over, but if his kidnapping ploy pushes her closer to Xander, a dangerous man in his own right who’s tangled with Konstantin, he may end up biting off more than he can chew. Because chances are Xander’s going to know exactly what and who he is. And rather than win Sarah over, that can give her an ally to try to pull Maggie away from him. And once Xander finds out Theresa was involved and that the two of them conspired to take his inheritance, it’s all over.

In short, Konstantin’s positioning “Xarah” exactly where the couple’s fans want them! And, if Godfrey is being honest, it’s where she wants them too. “Sarah and Xander,” she stated, “especially on Sarah’s side, are soul mates. What with her never being with anyone else or trying to marry them!”

Hey, hey! Telfer took umbrage to that statement and made it clear that “Xander is loyal too until until five minutes after you’ve left Salem!”

Xander scowls at Sarah in the Pub. Rex puffs out his chest, and Roman glares. Kate holds the baby.

Well, that’s one way of putting it. But at least he hasn’t cheated on Sarah! So there’s definitely loyalty there. Maybe that’s why, as Godfery said, “I always think Sarah and Xander are end game.”

If that’s the case, Konstantin may have just unwittingly set that game up for the ultimate check and mate!

Check out all of Sarah and Xander’s passionate adventures in our “Xarah” photo gallery below!

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