Bold and the Beautiful

Bold & Beautiful’s Not Telling Us Everything About Luna (Yet) — Plus, Brooke Wants Sheila Gone!

Not Telling Us Everything About Luna (Yet) — Plus, Brooke Wants Sheila Gone!

bold soapbox collage finn hope RJ Luna sheila deacon

You guys! Stuff actually happened on this week’s episodes of Bold & Beautiful. Not only that, but it was big stuff and it happened at a great pace. Sure, it didn’t all make sense, but… stuff happened, which gives us something to talk about… 

Hope Gets A Shock

You know what I’ve loved about Hope’s story of late? That the past few weeks have given Annika Noelle a chance to really strut her stuff. We’ve seen her play sexy, funny, furious, confused, stunned… it’s been a real treat. I’ve long complained that Hope has been sort of a one-note character, so this has been fantastic to see.

Hope Deacon B&B

“Seriously, dad? Sheila? I think I just threw up in the back of my throat… “

Credit: CBS screenshot

The multitude of expressions which crossed Hope’s face as she confronted Deacon about his new relationship — and did so in front of Sheila, even referring to her as “that” — were pretty epic.

No Sale, Deacon

I love Sean Kanan, and over the past year or so I’ve loved watching the character of Deacon rebuild his life. It’s no secret I’ve longed for him to find romance with Taylor, having loved the chemistry between Kanan and Krista Allen. But when it comes to this Deacon/Sheila mess… no. Just… no.

Deacon Sheila B&B

To quote Tina Turner, “What’s love got to do with it?” (Answer: Absolutely nothing.)

Credit: CBS screenshot

This is a blatant example of writers putting story over character. You can practically hear them, sitting in a room, cackling to themselves. “Oh my God, what if Deacon actually fell in love with Sheila? Viewers would lose their ish!”

And yes, they were right… but not for the reasons they hoped. The reason viewers are reacting is because it makes absolutely no sense that Deacon would risk everything he’s worked so hard to achieve for Sheila, no matter how good the sex is. It’s a plot point, pure and simple.

Back, Meet Lash

Speaking of people losing their ish, several loyal readers did exactly that due to a typo in last week’s Soapbox. I unintentionally wrote that Sheila eventually came around to the idea of marrying Finn, when obviously I meant Deacon.

Now, let’s be clear: Absolutely every single person who read that sentence knew what I meant to say. Weirdly, I get exactly how my brain made the mistake, because for ages now, the show has played an underlying and extremely creepy vibe between Sheila and her son. Lots of talk about their connection and her love for him and then there was that near-kiss a while back.

Bold beautiful finn sheila almost kiss

“To be fair to Richard, I often call my boyfriend Daddy, so it can get confusing… “

Credit: CBS Screenshot

In any case, yup, I made a mistake. Some realized that mistakes happen, others wanted me publicly flogged. And hey, I can be into that, under the right circumstances.

Where Were We?

Oh, right, Hope… Deacon… Sheila… mess. I found it amusing that Hope’s first reaction was, “I’ll tell my mom, she’ll know what to do!” And what, exactly, are you basing this on, Hope? Did Brooke ever do anything to punish Sheila for having pushed her off the wagon? Heck, since finding out that Ridge’s hare-brained scheme helped set Sheila free, has she done anything other than canoodle with Ridge?

Ridge Brooke B&B

“Trust me, Ridge, this girl makes passes at boys who wear glasses!”

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI

Heck, since finding out that Ridge’s hare-brained scheme helped set Sheila free, has she done anything other than canoodle with Ridge?

But as with most other aspects of this story, it’s not about making sense. It’s about interesting things happening on screen. In this case, that “interesting thing” was having Brooke find out that her beloved has known for ages about Sheila and Deacon hooking up.

Now, normally this would lead to several days of teeth gnashing and repetitive dialogue, with Brooke asking how he could betray her and their family in so dangerous a fashion. But not this week! Because we had places to go and people to see, so off Ridge and Brooke went to confront Deacon and Sheila.

Deacon Sheila Ridge Brooke B&B

Deacon and Sheila may look properly chastized, but something tells me Brooke and Ridge didn’t exactly win this fight.

Normally, this is where I’d point out that Mr. and soon-to-be Mrs. Dressmaker love nothing more than to get on their matching self-righteous high horses and lecture folks. But in this case, they were obviously in the right. Deacon is in the wrong, and Sheila is out of her mind. But I’m not sure stomping their collective feet and demanding Deacon give up Sheila is the way to go here. I mean, should we really be poking the sociopath with sharp sticks?

Luna’s Secret

The other big plot this week found us diving into Luna’s past. Not gonna lie… I’m wildly intrigued by this story. Why? Because it seems to involve little more than two sisters — Li and Poppy — who don’t like one another. Why? Because Li got her sis a job at the hospital and Poppy tramped it up with a married doctor. Or, as Matt Hanvey so beautifully put it on Twitter…


I’m sure eventually we’ll find out there’s more to the story — heck, next week’s teasers promise as much — but given that a similar situation played out in my own family years ago, I find this sisterly feud totally believable. It’s also nice to see the writers finally investing in Finn’s extended family.

Career Day at Forrester Creations

When this whole Ridge/R.J. storyline started, Ridge’s son was basically holding a pencil while grandpa told him what to do. Now, everyone on the canvas is talking about him as if he’s a full-fledged designer.

Not since Bridget said, “You know, being a doctor is cool and all, but what I really wanna do is wear veils and make pretty clothes” has one ascended so quickly. Wonder if like her, he’ll be back to his former “profession” of influencing by next month?

Ashley Jones, Lesley Anne Down bb madame x jackie am

“This outfit is multipurpose, Jackie. When I’m done designing fashionable scrubs, I’m going to play Trixie in the next Speed Racer movie!”

Credit: Aaron Montgomery/JPI

On the plus side, we’re finally getting to see R.J. do more than simply prop up others. In fact, the scenes between Luna and R.J. this week were downright adorable. Although like so many other pairings on this show, Luna and R.J. are an HR nightmare. She even tried turning her resignation letter in to him as opposed to, say, someone who actually works for the company. (Far as I can tell, he’s “working” for Eric in an unofficial capacity.)

Random Thoughts

Luna Li B&B

• I think my favorite moment of the whole week was Li lashing out at Luna. Why? Because at one point, the ticked Aunt declared, “No, ma’am! I will not allow it!” Something about that phrase — “No, ma’am!” — felt so real that I rewatched the scene several times.

• A few weeks ago, I asked how it was that a major fashion house like Forrester couldn’t afford to put out both Eric’s line and Ridge’s. Well, now that Eric and his mini-mi are ordering diamonds and lace, it’s becoming a little clearer!

• Still not thrilled with the fact that we’re getting tons of scenes in which Deacon and Sheila smooching, and yet Thomas and Hope — you know, the couple whose passion turned the canvas upside down — were given essentially zilch. And Liam? He’s completely vanished. This week could have used some fun stuff between the Spencer men.

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