Days of Our Lives

Unaware of the Details, Brady Willfully Plays His Part in Gabi and Stefan’s Extreme Plan Against Kristen

Unaware of the Details, Brady Willfully Plays His Part in Gabi and Stefan’s Extreme Plan Against Kristen

With her arms crossed, Gabi cringes.

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

Marlena finds Brady at home, grumbling over Tate screwing up his carryout order from the Pub. He assumes his son is doing it on purpose in hopes he’ll get fired. Marlena knows Brady is holding Tate accountable, but everyone deserves a little grace once in a while. Brady admits he could be overparenting to make up for lost time and for what he can’t give to Rachel right now. But that might be about to change.

Passing Gabi’s room in the mansion, Kristen asks if she’s seen Rachel. She wants to say goodbye before having lunch with EJ at The Bistro. Gabi’s ears perk up. She didn’t know they were buddies these days. Kristen says they are putting aside old grudges and getting closer all the time. Plus, he’s celebrating that Susan is alive, and she reminds him of her. “Paging Dr. Freud,” Gabi exclaims. Whatever the reason, Kristen’s just glad they’ve gotten close again. After Gabi flashes back to plotting with Stefan to use Rachel against Kristen, she lies that Rachel is carving pumpkins with Harold. Gabi offers to say goodbye for her.


Sitting in front of Rachel, a playful Stefan raises his hand as if he's measuring the height of something.

Downstairs, Rachel wins twenty questions with Stefan. As her prize, she gets Taylor Swift tickets — if she can win them in a costume contest. He assures her with Gabi’s help, it’s in the bag.

At the motel, Leo has a near meltdown while struggling with his ghost costume that will help him and Dimitri sneak around. Leo just hopes people don’t see their white sheets and think they forgot their pointy hats. “That’d be a big fat yikes.” Dimitri reminds a nervous Leo that he’s not the fugitive. He’s just along for the ride. So, if this isn’t what he wants, this might be the last chance he gets to change his mind. Leo assures the love of his life he’s not going anywhere. Dimitri knows this isn’t the deal he signed up for. Leo assures him it was never about the money. It’s about Dimitri making him the happiest he’s ever been. Leo pulls him in for a hard kiss.


Ava and Gil tensely face Jada and Harris in the Square.

In the Square, Ava introduces her new boss, Gil, to detectives Harris and Jada. Gil double takes over that piece of information, then lays it on thick how appreciative he is of the boys (and girls) in blue. Harris casts a steely glare as Gil leads Ava to The Bistro. Harris thinks something’s off with Gil, but Jada thinks he’s just being overprotective. Wearing their ghost costumes, Dimitri and Leo approach the Square, but slowly back away upon seeing the cops.

At home, Marlena marvels upon hearing Stefan and Gabi offered to help Brady get Rachel back, but he didn’t ask how or why. Brady would rather not know more than he needs to. She worries Stefan and Gabi might be doing something illegal, but Brady doesn’t care. He’ll do whatever he must to get Rachel back.


Leo and Dimitri wear white bed sheets as ghost costumes in the empty Horton Square.

In the DiMera living room, Gabi urgently tells Stefan about Kristen and EJ’s lunch. They worry the siblings will be discussing Kristen’s DiMera shares. They need to step up their plan. When Rachel returns, Stefan leaves the ladies to it. Rachel wants to dress as a vampire princess/pop star, but Gabi has another idea. She pulls out a makeup bag from her tote.

Dimitri and Leo rush into Leo’s Salem Inn room, removing their sheets. As Leo finds his envelope of cash, Dimitri marvels over waltzing right past Detective Hunter. He wonders why she was with Harris Michaels, though. Leo doesn’t care. They just need to stay ahead of the cops. As Dimitri tries to rush a dawdling Leo, the latter knocks over a pitcher.


Rachel peers inside a makeup bag Gabi opens for her.

When Stefan visits him at home, Brady declares he’s 100% in on the plan. After glossing over the fact that Brady held him captive so Rolf could deprogram him with an ice cream scooper, Stefan instructs Brady to pick a fight with Kristen, who’s on her way to The Bistro.

As Kristen leaves the mansion, she recalls an emotional Brady pleading with her at the custody hearing. She snaps out of it as Marlena shows up with a Halloween goodie bag for Rachel. Kristen rejects it. Marlena would like to see her granddaughter. She misses her. “Well, she doesn’t miss you,” Kristen coldly says and leaves.

at a table in the Bistro, Ava angrily points a finger at Gil. His jaw clenches.


In the Bistro, Gil scowls at Ava over her being tight with the cops. She again suggests he find someone else to run the drug operation. Gil threatens that when Clyde pulls you in, the only way out is in a body bag. Ava will do her job, but she can’t do anything about Harris. Gil realizes their association could actually work in their favor. He instructs Ava to find out when the SPD is all up in their business. Ava warns him to tread carefully around Harris, who is a trained assassin. Gil, in turn, warns her not to spill her guts to her cop/trained assassin friend. Clyde’s got eyes and ears everywhere.

Jada and Harris discover tampered crime scene tape at Leo’s Salem Inn room. They pull their guns as they enter the room. The only thing they find is the knocked-over pitcher. Jada feels the damp floor, assuming they just missed Leo and Dimitri. Harris muses over the two ghosts they passed in the lobby, and they run out.


In the Square, in their sheets, Dimitri and Leo plan to get burner phones, SIM cards, and hair dye. They rush off as Brady encounters Kristen. He picks a fight over Rachel’s D in math. As they bicker, they watch two people in ghost costumes scurry through with Jada and Harris on their tail.

In the park, Jada and Harris grab the ghosts, but discover two different men underneath the sheets. In the motel, Dimitri and Leo revel in pulling off their plan — minus getting the hair dye.

In the park, Jada stands next to a white man in a really bad black shag wig. They both gape, staring ahead.

In a bedroom at the DiMera mansion, Gabi applies makeup to Rachel, making it look like she has a bruise under her eye and a cut lip. Rachel agrees that she looks amazing and so real. But she can’t be a Black Eyed Pea without the pea part. Gabi assures her she’ll sew a costume real quick for her, and then snaps photos.

As Brady continues bickering with Kristen in the Square, he accuses her of punishing Rachel for not doing her homework. Stefan sneaks up, recording them on his phone. He captures Kristen angrily declaring that she will discipline Rachel in any way she sees fit!

After pretending to read that Rachel can’t have outside help with a costume for the contest, she records Rachel. Gabi asks, “Who did this to you? Who gave you that black eye?” Rachel responds, “My mommy did.” Gabi gets her to add that she’s sure and would never make up something like that.

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