Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Double Return? The Shocking Reveal That Could Bring Sami Roaring Back

Double Return? The Shocking Reveal That Could Bring Sami Roaring Back

Days sami EJ mashup


EJ got just about the best news of his life last week on Days of Our Lives when Ava and Harris brought Susan home. That’s because not only did he get to hug his beloved mom once again, it also kept EJ out of trouble, since he finally called off the hits on both Ava and Xander! Two murders would surely have landed him in jail sooner or later. (Yes, incarceration happens sometimes, even in Salem! They just don’t always stick.)


But now she’s back and all we’re left with is the question of who whisked Susan out of Salem and over to England, leaving everyone to believe she’d died in that car explosion. So who would do this to both EJ and Susan? He’s certainly got no end to enemies, but it would have to be someone who knows enough about his mom to deliver her to her off-kilter ex, Edmund Crumb. Someone who knows them both well. Someone… like Susan’s former daughter-in-law?

Susan sternly points a finger in EJ's face.

That’s right, we’re talking about Sami!

Sami’s not evil, but she sure as hell can be vindictive. Lucas is still in prison for kidnapping her, which is all well and good, but before she skipped town, EJ infuriated Sami one last time as she caught him in bed with Belle. They weren’t together at the time, of course, but that doesn’t make Sami any less possessive!

It would be just the latest tit for tat between Sami, EJ and Susan. Years back, before EJ made his own return, Susan (at the time played by Eileen Davidson) blamed Sami for her son’s “death” and her marriage to Edmund, er, crumbling (sorry, we couldn’t resist) and secretly revived Will and brainwashed him into thinking he was her beloved Elvis Jr.

Martha Madison, Dan Feuerrigel, Alison Sweeney sami ej belle jpi days

They mostly kissed and made up with Susan admitting to the error of her ways, but that doesn’t mean Sami wouldn’t take an opportunity for revenge if she saw it. So maybe, while she’s been staying away from Salem, she’s also been keeping an eye on town. And when Susan went over that cliff and just narrowly escaped with her life, Sami saw an opportunity to spirit her away, torment EJ a bit and give Susan a little payback for keeping Will from her.

And she wouldn’t have even had to step foot in Salem to do it. It could also be a twisted little, “You blame me for ruining your marriage to Edmund? Fine, have him back, good luck with that.” Maybe Sami was even the one who put it in Edmund’s mind that he’d have to take slightly more drastic actions to keep Susan with him this time.

Days, Will, Susan and Sami Eileen Davidson, Chandler Massey, Alison Sweeney

Susan claims she doesn’t know who grabbed her, but something’s been off. She seems to know more than she’s letting on. She may not have proof of Sami, but she could suspect it. Maybe, having thought they’d moved on, she doesn’t want to accuse Sami just yet. After all, she’s tried brokering peace between Sami and EJ before! But it seems clear from spoilers this week that EJ’s determined to get to the bottom of what happened to his mom.

And if the truth comes out, now that Susan’s back, it’s only a matter of time before we see Sami back on our screens once again! What do you think? Could Sami be behind Susan’s England adventure? If not, who do you think did it? Sound off below!

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