General Hospital

Nikolas’ Return to General Hospital Thrilled Us, But What’s His Next Move? — Plus, Who *Really* Turned Sonny In?

Nikolas’ Return to General Hospital Thrilled Us, But What’s His Next Move? — Plus, Who *Really* Turned Sonny In?

This week General Hospital dropped some major bombs on the viewers, the biggest being Nikolas’ return! However, Sonny’s arrest was a close second. Plus, dare we hope Sasha’s nightmare is about to end?

The Dark Prince Returns

We have known for months that Nikolas was alive and Mason had him, and just last week we learned it was Austin who saved his life and has known he’s been alive all along as well. So it was an easy assumption that he’d have to pop up sooner or later. Still, it was a great surprise, one that WASN’T spoiled ahead of time, when Nikolas was revealed alive and well at the end of Thursday’s show. The fact that he wasn’t on a ventilator, as we last saw him, and was casually drinking a beer and said, “Oh hey doc!” when Austin walked in to check on him was a classic soap opera “return from the dead” moment.

Nikolas is alive GH

Immediately viewers began to wonder if Nikolas had amnesia, but that would make a third character with memory problems, and that’s three too many. Based on the preview for next week at the end of Friday’s show, it does seem that Nikolas has all his faculties in place. Still, what is Nikolas’ game? Given he “left” on bad terms with Ava and Spencer, it’s likely he’s plotting his revenge and maybe even to get his son back from Esme. However, by staying hidden, he’s only proving Spencer’s anger toward him is justified by letting his family believe the worst about him for a second time in recent years. And again, how much is Cyrus involved in this as “the boss?” Is this just Mason and Austin’s doing? Because Cyrus helping to keep Laura from her son seems like something “the new” Cyrus wouldn’t do to his sister he seems desperate to impress. Needless to say, I can’t wait until we get more answers, and I’m thrilled to see Adam Huss in the role as he really impressed me in the last few times he appeared. I know Marcus Coloma has his fans, as does Tyler Christopher, but for now, I don’t see them stepping back in.

The Pikeman Problem

Last week I had pondered that Cyrus’ interest in Pikeman could be to stop arms trafficking, seeing he’s still claiming to be a soldier for the lord. However we seemingly finally got answers on Friday, and it looks like this has all been about taking Sonny down and punishing him for being wicked. I can’t say I wasn’t confused, especially since I thought… or assumed… the intel Sonny left for Betty to find was fake. If so, does that mean someone else ratted Sonny out? And again, what is in this for Cyrus? Is he just punishing the wicked or is there more? His talk with the Pentonville Warden made it clear she was expecting something from him, was it this? Is he hoping for an early release?

SOnny gets arrested GH

If Sonny’s intel to Cyrus was fraudulent, that could leave Valentin as the turncoat. He has been acting very panicked when talking to Martin about Pikeman these past two weeks, and saying they needed to get something done. Friday’s episode also had him promising Charlotte that “big changes” were in the works as they spoke, and he was finally going to give her a stable life. It sounded like Valentin was doing this to secure safety for himself and Charlotte in the future. Could Anna’s past being exposed and her being put in danger have caused Valentin to worry about his own safety and that of Charlotte’s? Even with so many stories moving so quickly currently, I felt I was left with more questions than answers. However, I’m okay with that, because I’m really enjoying the show right now. Sonny’s arrest, in front of his children and loved ones, was a fantastic scene. Especially given Willow and Michael had started it seems to try and accept Sonny and Nina into their lives.

Saving Sasha

The temporary writers who have been brought in sure do seem to be putting several stories on the fast track, and thankfully, it looks like Gladys’ manipulation of Sasha is one of them. Even before Ferncliff and the drugging, which has been the worst to watch, Gladys taking advantage of her guardianship of Sasha to gamble was upsetting. The acting from Sofia Mattsson and Bonnie Burroughs has been top-notch, and I expect them both to earn Daytime Emmy nominations for this story next year. Burroughs has taken viewers on a rollercoaster from initially finding Gladys to be an opportunistic pest, to her coming around and beginning to redeem herself, and then making us want to wring her neck! Now that she’s gone to Nina for help, spilled most of the beans… but predictably laid the blame on Dr. Montague, we do seem to be edging closer to Sasha’s rescue. Of course, Ms. Wu is now demanding her money from Gladys too, and Nina’s only got one payment agreed upon by Nina. Who thinks Gladys is going to do something stupid? Raise your hands!

Gladys tries to convince Nina GH

Cody’s plan, meanwhile, is a big reality stretch… even for a soap. Within a day, Sam had Cody’s power of attorney, and it only took one meeting with a psychiatrist to have him committed to Ferncliff. Why wasn’t he sent to Spring Ridge, or somewhere else, instead of Ferncliff which is for the criminally insane? And what’s with Sasha’s door not being locked? Do they assume since she’s cuffed to the bed they don’t need to lock it?

Hurricane Tracy

Lucy, Maxie and… well, maybe not Brook Lynn, were stunned to learn it was Tracy suing Deception and laying claim to inventing The Deceptor. Last week I pondered if Tracy could be Martin’s ex-wife and been the one to come up with the idea, but it’s looking more and more like that person will turn out to be Kassie DePaiva’s Blair Cramer. Tracy clearly was able to con the judge by providing him, through Jackson, with the stolen plans from Brook Lynn. The question still remains… Why? What’s in it for Tracy? Why did she try and settle for seventy-five percent of Deception? Hopefully, we will NOT have to wait six weeks for the trial and further answers. Frankly, it seems if Brook Lynn came forward with how Tracy got the documents, this could easily be thrown out. But then that would be thinking logically!

Tracy and Jackson

The blow-up that resulted between Brook Lynn and Tracy was a fantastic scene. Brook Lynn told Tracy how out of the entire family, she was always the one to take her side, she was always the one to give her the benefit of the doubt, but no more. It was terrific work from Amanda Setton. And even though Tracy defended herself by trying to claim she was trying to teach BLQ about the ways of business, it didn’t stop her from getting in some zingers at Olivia, who sided with Brook Lynn. Her line, “Don’t you have a lasagna to bake?” was great!

Tracy Martin Questions

Also equally amazing was watching Lucy finally begin to put the pieces together regarding Martin’s involvement in all of this. She questioned why he had to be there for Valentin and not her, why he always wanted no credit for The Deceptor, and asked if he had stolen the idea from Tracy. Of course, he denied it, but if it wasn’t Tracy who gave him the idea, then technically he wasn’t lying. I’m still rooting for Lucy and Martin to work out. Plus, Ava’s timely decision to sell Wyndemere could give Lucy the cash she needs from whatever fees she rakes in to help keep Deception afloat.

Other Storyline Ponderings…

Obviously, the fact that neither Brook Lynn nor Chase has questioned Nina as to why she didn’t confess she was at the pool the night of Ned’s accident is to facilitate her eventual exposure when “Eddie” finally begins to have memories. Olivia bringing him to the pool to jog his memory clearly is setting this in motion.

Joss whining to Dex that they should have used the flash drive against Sonny was some nice foreshadowing of Sonny’s arrest the next day. Some are already questioning… Did Joss turn Sonny in? And I loved Carly telling Joss she will not be able to change Dex into who she wants him to be. Joss basically “whatever’d” her mom in response and told her not to compare her and Dex to herself and Sonny.

So suddenly, Robert has Diane thinking WSB may want Drew in prison because he made them look bad by saving the world from Victor? First off, it was a TEAM effort! And second, it’s the WSB, they could as Anna has said over and over these past few weeks, just take him out.

And my final thought… Hurray for a Molly and surrogate drama-free week!

That’s all I’ve got for my opinions on this week’s episodes. Please join the conversation and leave your comments below!

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