General Hospital

Victor and Nikki Argue About His Scheme — and Nick Demands That His Father Come Clean

Victor and Nikki Argue About His Scheme — and Nick Demands That His Father Come Clean

Nikki Y&R


At the ranch, Nikki flashes to Victor telling her about his plan. Victoria arrives and Nikki balks at telling her the truth as she asks how worried they should be about her dad.

Nikki’s about to tell her something when Victor appears and asks why Victoria came by. Is she trying to perpetuate that notion that he’s losing his marbles. “It’s absurd.” He hopes Nikkk was about to tell their daughter that. Victoria asks what’s going on with them. Victor says they have a private matter they’ve been discussing. Nothing for her to worry about.
Victoria Nikki Y&R

Victoria understands that Victor doesn’t like anyone to question his ability to run things. Victor replies, “Especially when that person thinks they should be running Newman Enterprises.” He insists nothing’s wrong with him. Victoria recalls telling her family the same thing after what happened with J.T. Victor says it’s a totally different situation. Victoria argues they’re the decision-makers that people look to at the company. Victoria wants him to talk to a professional and find out if something is going on. Victor agrees to think about it.

At Daniel’s new place, Danny proposes a toast to his new home, and Lily and Phyllis join in on the cheers. He thanks them for bringing chairs and Lily says she knows Sally’s going to help him decorate the place, but at least he has an option other than the floor. Phyllis is glad he’s out of the hotel and muses that given everything he’s gone through, she’s surprised he’s staying. Daniel tells her the state of their relationship doesn’t determine whether he wants to stay in Genoa City. Phyllis is just happy he’s putting down roots and notes he has a few reasons given recent developments. Daniel asks, “What do you mean?”
Phyllis Danny Daniel Y&R

Danny’s sure Phyllis was talking about how Daniel and Lily found their way back together. Daniel asks, “Mmhmm. Is that what you meant?” Phyllis perks up, “Yeah. That’s one of the things for sure.” She adds, “Don’t forget all of your success with Omega Sphere.” Daniel needed someone to believe in him to make it happen. Lily knew he could make his vision a reality. They all toast again. Phyllis adds, “And yay! Heather and Lucy are moving back to Genoa City. You get to be near your daughter.” Lily thinks it’s great he’ll get to spend more time with his daughter. Daniel agrees. Phyllis says, “Absolutely. That’s just what I meant.”

At Newman, Nate finds Adam in Victor’s office in his chair and questions if he’s sitting there fantasizing. Adam doesn’t need to fantasize, “I’ve actually run this company.” Nate reminds him that right now he works for him, “You know I’m going to have to tell Victor, right?” Adam says that’s fine. Technically, he should have run this by him first, and he shouldn’t be taking orders from anyone else in the company, but his dad asked for private papers. Does he aspire to the chair? Of course, who wouldn’t. He’s guessing Nate has thought about it too. He assures his boss there’s nothing to worry about and he’ll see him in the morning.
Nate Adam Y&R

Adam approaches Nick at the jazz lounge bar. “Can we please just put everything else aside for a minute to talk about Dad?” Nick admits that he thought Victoria was just bitter but he no longer thinks that. “He made a comment about Victoria taking over Newman Media, not mom.” Adam feels there has to be something bigger than that to make him this concerned. “I’m concerned too. What else happened.” Nick confesses that their father forgot he and Sally lost the baby. Adam gawps, “This morning, Dad went off on me.” He later didn’t even know he’d done it and then went on a paranoid rant. He went to his office to look for clues and this is what he found. Adam pulls out the doodle pad and asks, “Have you ever known Dad to doodle.” He urges Nick to look closer. It’s their names over and over again. The image is a snake with fangs. Nick studies it.

At Daniel’s place, Phyllis admits she had an ulterior motive in persuading Heather to move back to town — she wanted to be near Lucy. Danny muses, “It reminds me of when you were a teenager, Daniel. Trying to figure things out.” He and Phyllis recall when they realized Daniel had artistic talent and drew a caricature of his teacher. They laugh and Daniel recalls he was a photographer back then until Phyllis found a picture of him and a girl together, showed his girlfriend, and caused a breakup. “Good times.” They all agree that Daniel has given Lucy an incredible gift with Omega Sphere. Danny says Phyllis has turned her life around. She’s been through stuff that might have broken someone else, but it’s made her strong. She has a newfound appreciation for family and the opportunities Daniel’s given her. “We should drink to that.” Daniel studies them before saying he’ll get some more champagne.
Daniel Y&R

Later, Daniel, Danny, and Phyllis conclude a tour of the apartment. Daniel says, “This feels good.” Phyllis thanks him for letting them be a part of it. She’s so happy all her babies are back in town and tells Danny, “I’m happy you’re here too.” Danny feels the same way. Daniel tells his dad that he’ll be able to move into his room soon. He’ll call Sally first thing in the morning. Danny reiterates that he plans to stay for a while. Danny and Phyllis leave and Daniel exhales. He thanks Lily for putting up with his parents, especially his mom who doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone.

At the ranch, Victoria gets a text from Nate, who wants to meet and discuss something. Victor urges her to go. Victoria thanks him for thinking about talking to someone, “I only care about your health, truly.” Nikki reminds him he said he’d consider a professional opinion. “We will all feel better when we now the facts.” Victoria kisses them and heads out. Once alone, Nikki fumes at Victor, “Your daughter is worried about you. You’re lucid enough to see that right?” Victor says she’s just angry that he took over the reins of the company. If he hadn’t stepped in, Nikki would have told her everything. “Which means I can no longer trust you!”
Victor Y&R

At the jazz club, Adam insists to Nick that the doodle isn’t some random scribbling, it’s a window into their father’s brain. He lists off the things Victor has forgotten. “We cannot let this go on and the only reason you’re hedging is you don’t want me involved.” He reminds Nick he’s his father too. Nick thinks Adam probably sees this as some kind of poetic justice.

Adam understands Nick not believing he wants what’s best for their dad given their history, plus he blames him for whatever confusion Sally is going through. Nick complains about his ability to manipulate people. Adam is sorry he can’t see that he’s sincere, but something could be really wrong with their dad. Nick says, “We will figure it out without you.” Adam counters that he’s already involved and he wants to give their dad what he craves, “Family unity.” He insists, “Something is wrong. I’m telling you, this is the best thing we could do for him. Do you really hate me that much that you’d refuse to work together to do what’s best for our father?”
Adam Nick Y&R

At Society, Victoria meets Nate and tells him her father had no signs of confusion at the ranch. He resisted her asking him to meet with a professional and there was some kind of tension between him and her mother. Nate guesses she asked him to be evaluated as well. Victoria thinks that makes sense. Nate wonders if he’s worried about what a specialist might find. Victoria wonders if perhaps he’s really scared about what’s going on in his mind.
Victoria Nate Y&R

Victoria tells Nate that her father has always been almost a mythic figure so it’s hard for her to imagine him not being in complete control. She asks what Nate wanted to talk to her about. Nate thinks Adam is taking advantage of the situation, “I found him sitting behind Victor’s desk looking rather comfortable, like he owned the place.” He claimed his father wanted him to get some documents, but he isn’t buying it. Victoria is convinced that Adam is going to try and use her father’s condition against him.

At Daniel’s place, he complains to Lily that Phyllis brought up Heather’s name every chance she got and was pretending to be excited about her and Lucy moving back to town. Lily frowns, “Of course she’s excited; you get to be part of Lucy’s life again, it’s wonderful.” Daniel thinks she’s trying to cause trouble between them. Lily feels she’s just happy he’s staying in Genoa City and is pointing out reasons for him to stay. She noticed his mother is very self-conscious around him because she’s fearful of being judged, “And she is being judged.” Daniel asks, “So you really didn’t see what she was oh-so-subtly trying to do tonight?” Lily thinks he is the one with the problem. Daniel asks, “What are you talking about?” Lily says, “You’re the one who’s making this about Heather!”
Lily Y&R

Daniel argues that he wasn’t the one who kept bringing up Heather’s name in conversation tonight, he just brought it up now because he wanted to apologize for the way his mother was acting. Lily says, “Look how worked up you’re getting just talking about it.” Daniel points out his mother told him she wants them to get back together. Lily counters, “Even if that’s true, so what?” Daniel says it’s obnoxious and manipulative. Lily says, “Yeah, that’s your mother. I’m going to pretend I’m not it doesn’t bother me that you’re more upset about this than I am. Daniel is upset because this is what his mother wants, “She wants Heather to be an issue for us.” Lily warns, “Then stop making her one.” Daniel insists he’s not and hugs her.

In Crimson Lights, Phyllis thinks the night went well. Danny agrees; it was a really nice evening. They’re proud of how Daniel’s turned his life around. Danny remarks that he and Lily seem happy together. Phyllis doesn’t see it. Danny warns Phyllis not to meddle in his relationship. Phyllis is just observing what she sees. She likes Lily. Danny muses, “You just don’t like them together.” Phyllis was nice to Lily tonight. She just doesn’t want to see their son get his heart broken again. Danny says couples do get second chances. Phyllis tells her ex he’s right and he’s a very positive influence. Danny’s happy to oblige.
Danny Phyllis Y&R

Phyllis and Danny sit, and she tells him how good it felt being with him tonight with their son. Danny says, “Me too.” Phyllis has an early morning tomorrow and should get home. She flirts and looks pointedly at Danny’s lips. Danny awkwardly shifts and says he’s going to hang out there for a bit. “Good night, Phyllis.” After she leaves, Danny sits on the patio looking puzzled about her behavior. Suddenly, Christine appears, “Danny!”
Phyllis Danny Y&R

At the ranch, Nikki tells Victor she would never betray his trust, but he has to consider the consequences of what he’s doing. Victor will soon find out which of his children will betray him. Nikki argues, “It’s not worth the pain it’s causing!”

At the jazz club, Nick admits that Adam sounds sincere. Adam wants to do what is right because their dad is not well. Taking care of him has to be their first priority. He asks what’s going on inside Nick’s mind. Gesturing to the doodle, he says, “You know what this means, don’t you?” Nick says he’ll handle it and Adam should stay out of it. With that, he takes off.
Nick Y&R

Once alone, Adam calls a doctor. He’d like to meet with him about his father.

At the ranch, Victor insists to Nikki that this needs to be done. Nikki argues that he’s punishing all of his children with this stunt when he needs to focus on Adam. Victor concedes that Adam seems to be the most obvious one to be concerned about. Just then, Nick walks in and blurts, “Dad, I’m onto you. Time to come clean!”

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