General Hospital

Sonny, Nina and Family Head to the Island for Their Wedding — and Cyrus Is Given a Cryptic Message About Drew

Sonny, Nina and Family Head to the Island for Their Wedding — and Cyrus Is Given a Cryptic Message About Drew

Sonny and Nina head to islands GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

At the Deception office, Lucy tells a reporter over the phone she has no comment and slams down the phone. Scotty arrives as Maxie again pushes Lucy to take Tracy’s deal, but Maxie says Lucy can’t give up her sliver of ELQ pie. Maxie thinks it’s not worth them all going broke and storms out.

Maxie upset GH

Scott tells Lucy not to worry about the case as her lawyer is a great one. Lucy admits she will be fine no matter what, but is entertaining Tracy’s deal as she has to think about Maxie, whose become one of her best friends, and is the daughter of Felicia who is her best friend. Maxie returns as Scott implores Lucy not to give up that voting right.

Scott warns Lucy GH

Maxie apologizes for the outburst earlier and says they should plan a staff meeting and discuss how to move forward. Scott leaves them to get to work.

Lucy shuts the door and tells Maxie that she has something she needs to say. Maxie asks to go first and suggests they find a buyer for the 25 percent so they don’t end up with nothing. Lucy tells her to hold that though and call in the staff for a meeting.

Lucy makes decision GH

Maxie calls in the staff and thanks them all for sticking with them, and when Lucy gets here, they’ll make an announcement about the company’s future. Scott returns, at Lucy’s request, followed by Lucy. Lucy reveals to the staff the deal on the table for them to retain 25 percent of Deception, but that is an unacceptable amount for what they’ve worked hard for. She says after talking to some legal advisors, there is another deal in which they’ll retain 49 percent of the company, at the expense of a personal loss of her own, but it would allow them to continue to grow and do what they do best for decades to come. She calls them a family and says if they stick together then they can do anything. Everyone applauds, and Maxie and Lucy embrace one another.

Lucy Maxie meeting GH

After the staff leave, Maxie tells Lucy that was a great speech. Lucy says she’s not about to let Tracy Quartermaine get the better of them. Scott enters with champagne and glasses and tells Lucy this is a crazy plan, but it’s his kind of crazy.

At The Invader office, Gregory and Alexis are working when Finn arrives to ask his dad to go for some coffee. Gregory says he and Alexis are up to something, but Alexis says it’s okay and he should go with his son.

Carly arrives later to meet with Alexis about Judge Kim. Alexis says from what she’s found so far that there has been a miscarriage of justice. She explains Judge Kim has a history of ruling in ways those above him approve of, but she has no proof of any deals between Kim and special interest groups. Carly says there is proof and she can get it.

Alexis and Carly chat Drew GH

Carly explains about a pilot who comes into Kelly’s often and tells her about the fancy clients he flies around including a very rich investor, and one of the people he recently took to the islands with this investor was Judge Kim. Carly says the pilot gave her the dates and times of the trip, so Alexis says they need to see if Judge Kim noted this as an official trip in his records. Alexis makes some calls and learns the judge did go on vacation on those same dates, but there is no mention of where the trip was. She bets he didn’t list it on his taxes either. Carly asks if this is enough to get the judge to reduce Drew’s sentence. Alexis says perhaps if presented to him the right way. Alexis believes the judge will take the bait for an interview to talk himself up, and she just needs to give him enough rope to hang himself.

Carly has proof GH

Finn and Gregory head to the park, where Finn breaks the news that Chase knows about his ALS. Gregory asks how this happened, and Finn explains it was a mistake. He tells the story of how Chase found out from Tracy, and that Chase knows that Finn already knew.

Finn breaks news GH

Gregory blames himself for not telling Chase sooner and beats himself up for being a coward, but Finn tells him that he’s been going through a lot. Gregory admits part of him thought he could stay in denial about his ALS as long as Chase didn’t know. Finn tells him that he is the best father there is, and he knows he’ll do whatever Chase needs from him.

Gregory worries Chase GH

Brook Lynn returns home to find Chase on the couch clearly upset. He opens up that he got bad news, and his father is dying. She asks if his dad is in the hospital, but Chase doesn’t know. She asks if she should call Finn, but Chase says he knows already, and so does her grandmother. She asks what is wrong with his father. He tells her that he has ALS, and there is no cure… it’s going to kill him.

Chase upset GH

Chase explains he started looking up information about the disease when he ended up scrolling through his photos and ones of his dad. Looking at the photos he cries as if nothing is wrong with his dad, but now all he can think about is that his dad is going to be in a wheelchair, and he won’t get out of it. Chase remembers being in a wheelchair, and being able to stand again was one of the best days of his life. He knows his dad won’t get that. He tells Brook Lynn he doesn’t know what he is going to say to his dad when he sees him.

Chase dad dying GH

Brook Lynn feels bad for Gregory and apologizes for what her grandmother did to him. He says without Tracy he wouldn’t know about his dad, but part of him wishes he still didn’t. Brook Lynn tells him that she has to step out to take care of something and asks if he’ll be okay. He says he’ll probably just do more research. She says she loves him and departs. Alone, Chase scrolls through his phone and photos of his father. Later, Gregory shows up at the door.

At Pentonville, a guard brings Cyrus to the visiting area during off hours to meet the warden. She explains there are no cameras here and no documents of this meeting. Cyrus wonders why the need for such privacy, and why did she ask to see him. She says, “Because, I’m out of here!” He says this seems sudden, but the warden explains she’s been working on this promotion for a while, and she’ll be overseeing all the federal prisons in Texas. Cyrus asks, “What about me?”

Warden cyrus news GH

The warden promises Cyrus that he’ll get his and that he’ll be fine, he always is. She assures him everything is happening as she said, and he just needs to sit tight and wait. He asks who is replacing her. She doesn’t know but says she’s done her part. Cyrus asks before she goes if she knows anything about his friend Drew. The warden promises him that Drew will be taken care of, this time for good.

Cryus upset GH

Nina and Sonny board his private jet to the islands. They haven’t taken off, so Nina asks if they are waiting on something. Sonny says they are, and it’s a surprise. Kristina, Willow and Michael soon board the plane as Kristina cheers, “Who is ready for a wedding!”

Nina Sonny happy GH

After the plane takes off, Michael and Willow get the kids settled in. Nina is thrilled they are joining them and asks about Avery. Sonny explains she’s sick and can’t come. He also says Dante sends his wishes. Nina says she’s sorry for the family who couldn’t come, but she’s going to enjoy those who could, and they are the best wedding present she could ask for.

Kristina tells Nina and Willow how gorgeous the island is, and they make small talk, while Sonny thanks Michael for agreeing to come with Willow. Michael explains it was Willow’s decision. Sonny says they both know it’s not that simple, and he could have refused the invitation. He asks his son why he agreed to come. Michael says they are family, and family should show up for big moments.

Michael and Sonny talk GH

Meanwhile, Willow offers to help Nina with the wedding and asks what she can do. Nina says Sonny assures her the staff is taking care of everything, but Nina says she’d love their help getting ready.

Nina Willow Kristina GH

Later, Michael sits with Willow, and Nina heads over to sit with Sonny. Sonny tells Nina tomorrow they start a new chapter, and he can’t wait to see where it leads them. She tells him that he has made her the happiest woman on earth.

On another plane, a woman with glamorous nails reads an article about BLQ’s firing from Deception.

Lois nails GH

On the next General Hospital:  Felicia begins her new job. Lois returns to Port Charles. “Eddie” tells someone that they were in his dream. Trina catches up with her family. Spencer receives news about his father.

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