Days of Our Lives

(Shocking)The Stunning Secret Identity of Days of Our Lives’ Konstantin: You Won’t Believe Who He Is!

The Stunning Secret Identity of Days of Our Lives’ Konstantin: You Won’t Believe Who He Is!

Days' Konstantin smirking


The truth about Victor’s will is slowly unraveling on Days of Our Lives — at least for the audience — we get into the depths of deception we can’t help but wonder: Is there more than meets the eye to Konstantin? That may sound like a simple question, but the truth runs deeper for both the character and his portrayer, John Kapelos!

As far as Konstantin goes, there’s a lot that doesn’t quite add up about him. As Maggie and Brady were discussing, how could he have photos going all the way back to his childhood with Victor without the late Kiriakis patriarch ever mentioning him to, well, anyone? And why would a friend, no matter how long he may have known Victor, expect to be in his will? Is that really the reason he teamed up with Theresa to destroy Xander’s chance at the truth and steal the Kiriakis fortune?

In hazy flashback lighting, a look of realization washes over Theresa's face.

He wouldn’t be the first friend-turned-enemy of Victor’s. You don’t get to be a mafia boss/corporate titan without stepping on a few people who trust you. But what if he’s more? Could he actually be some hitherto unknown family? A cousin maybe? Or another brother? He knows a lot about Victor, from his affairs to his favorite dish. It seems certain he had to have truly been a part of his life. But that doesn’t mean it’s the part that he claims!

And if you’ve been watching this Salem newbie with an itch in the back of your mind that you can’t seem to scratch wondering why he’s so familiar, we may be able to help you with that. Because if you’re someone who grew up in the ‘80s — or heck, any time after that — and were raised on John Hughes movies, then you know Kapelos very well!

Standing with Maggie in the Kiriakis mansion, Justin shakes Konstantin's hand.

He started out working with the legendary filmmaker in 16 Candles playing Rudy, the less than charming brother-in-law to be to Molly Ringwald’s Sam. He also made a brief appearance in Hughes’ Weird Science as Dino, who’s insult of Anthony Michael Hall’s Gary taught an entire generation of kids a brand new Greek word!

But what folks are probably thinking of is Kapelos in Hughes’ masterpiece, The Breakfast Club. That’s right, Konstantin was the shocking insightful, unforgettable janitor, Carl! The second you know it, you can’t unsee it. Check out Kapelos and The Breakfast Club cast talking about Carl years later in a behind-the-scenes featurette below!

Of course, these are just a few of the roles in Kapelos’ impressive career, but for a generation or two of movie buffs, it doesn’t get much better than Carl!

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