Bold and the Beautiful

Major Storyline Detour Sends Bold & Beautiful’s ‘Thope’ in a Shocking New Direction

Major Storyline Detour Sends Bold & Beautiful’s ‘Thope’ in a Shocking New Direction

When The Bold and the Beautiful started having Hope fantasize about the guy who had used his son to try and get her into bed, then kept her from her own daughter, we were mystified. Maybe, we thought, we’re headed for a split-personality storyline. Maybe, having been raised by passion’s plaything Brooke has shattered Hope’s mind in ways that even she didn’t understand until now.

Then it appeared that no, this was being played as a love story. Sick of Waffles McWaffleson Liam, Hope had fallen for Thomas because his affections belonged to her and only her. And hey, since Steffy is his sister, Hope wouldn’t ever have to worry about her being a rival. That hasn’t turned out to be the case, either, though.

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

Thomas is quick to profess his love for Hope, but she’s like, “Eh.” She’s not there for the Hallmark moments, she’s there for the Passionflix ones. And that, in and of itself, is a shocking twist for the soap, which is often written like it was the 1950s. (“Parents should stay together for the sake of the child. Even if the child is 30.” “People in relationships need to marry immediately. Book the living room.”) Hope’s not in the mood for love, she’s in the mood for lovemaking.

It sounds silly when we say it like that, but the truth is that a sex-positive plot would be an absolute revelation for Bold & Beautiful. It would be an acknowledgment that yup, sometimes people are just randy. Sometimes we can be physically attracted to someone without necessarily being emotionally drawn to them. Our bodies can want things that our hearts have no interest in.

The soap could milk such a twist for a lotta storyline, too — especially given its retro morality. Imagine the hilarity of Brooke, aka “the slut from Valley,” clutching her pearls over her daughter’s lustful affair — and Hope’s reaction. “But honey, it can’t just be sex, sex, sex. What about destiny?”

“I have no idea what my ultimate destiny is, Mom, but my destiny for tonight is at the gym right now making sure that he’s up to the task of being my jungle gym.”

Hot or Not?

Bold & Beautiful could still play Thomas’ feelings for Hope. It could have him crossing his fingers that she’d eventually fall as hard for him as he has for her. But in the meantime, as consolation prizes go, constant nookie with the object of one’s obsession affections ain’t half bad.

Our one issue with this development is Hope’s insistence that she has lost herself and doesn’t know who she is anymore — as if desire is such an alien concept. But the show can remedy that easily enough by having her come to the conclusion that she grew up thinking that one should lead with their heart, not, um, other body parts. In the end, she could realize that she isn’t just sweetness and light, she’s also kinda down and dirty — and that’s OK. People aren’t one thing, not if they’re being honest with themselves.

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