Days of Our Lives

DAYS Spoilers Speculation: Ava And Harris Find Susan

Ava And Harris Find Susan

DAYS Spoilers Speculation: Ava And Harris Find Susan

Where has EJ DiMera’s mama been hiding these DAYS?

DAYS spoilers are preparing viewers for Ava and Harris’ wild adventure in London. They’re both on the run, escapees from a mental hospital. They think that if they track down Susan, then this will somehow…what? It won’t excuse them for their crimes.

DAYS Spoilers Speculation

At best, it will get EJ off Ava’s back. But is that worth being sent to prison for? For both of them? That still waits to be seen. For now, the challenge is tracking down a dead woman.

Where, Oh, Where, Has My Susan Gone?

The only evidence Ava (Tamara Braun) and Harris (Steve Burton) have that Susan (Stacy Haiduk) is even still walking the earth, is that Ava remembered Susan walking away from the crash that supposedly killed her. And then that Susan herself told Ava, too. Sort of. Actually, Harris interpreted a phrase she said to mean that Susan is in London.

DAYS Spoilers: Break It Down

So let’s review: Ava, the one who saw walking apparitions of her dead son, suddenly remembered seeing Susan alive after the car crash. And we are sure that’s the truth, not just another hallucination of hers. Then, instead of assuming she was still hallucinating, Ava decided that her visions were, in fact, Susan sending her psychic messages. And then, a turn of phrase Sus

Hickory, Dickory Dock

And even if all of the above were the sober, cold truth… London is still a pretty big place. With many, many people. And if Susan isn’t rushing to her beloved Elvis, Johnny, and Roger, she must have a pretty good reason to be in hiding. And she must be a pretty good hider. So what’s the plan to find her, guys?

Then again, considering the leaps of logic Ava and Harris already took, we have no doubts they’ll be equally as successful at all their other efforts. Susan is as good as home!


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