Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives’ Sloan May Soon Lose It All — Unless She Out-Nicoles Nicole In the Most Horrifying Way Possible!

Sloan May Soon Lose It All — Unless She Out-Nicoles Nicole In the Most Horrifying Way Possible!

Sloan isn’t, by nature, a very deceptive person. Days of Our Lives has certainly painted her as a morally questionable person when it comes to being cut-throat within the bounds of the law, she’s never really shied away from the direct approach. While she played coy with Paulina and Chanel at first, it didn’t take long for her to let them know exactly who she was and what she was up to.

So it makes sense that her paternity switch of Nicole’s baby has been eating at her. She made a bad decision in a moment of weakness and now she’s regretting it big time.

“She’s honestly swimming in guilt,” Serfaty tells Soap Opera Digest in their latest issue. It’s gotten so bad, she wants to come clean to Eric. She’s feeling so badly, she’s even willing to risk him leaving her “than looking at the man that you love and being untruthful.”

Sitting on her bed, Sloan leans her head on a shirtless Eric's shoulder.

But that’s before tragedy strikes and she’s rushed to the hospital with cramps. The moment of truthfulness comes and goes as Sloan’s confronted with a very real possibility: She could lose their baby.

“She believes she’s being punished for her past wrongdoings,” Serfaty explains. “She’s at a very low moment.”

But if there’s one thing everyone learns upon moving to Salem, it’s that there’s always room to go lower…

Yes, Sloan’s been feeling horrendously guilty over what she did, but she still has a chance of holding onto Eric so long as she’s carrying his baby. If she loses it, though, that chance is gone. If there’s no longer any child keeping them in each other’s lives, what then?

All that’s left is Eric’s baby with Nicole.

Devastation and desperation can change things. Sloan certainly knows that after switching Nicole and Eric’s paternity results. If her hope is ripped away, there’d really be only one choice left for her — and it’s something she could tear right out of Nicole’s book. Fake the remainder of her pregnancy and find a replacement.

Nicole and Sloan glare at each other at the hospital.

It’s not the first this idea has cropped up, but it’s now looking like Days of Our Lives and Sloan are barreling straight for it. And why not? History would repeat itself and, some would even say, karma would come back to bite Nicole in the you-know-what.

She pulled off her own fake pregnancy after losing her baby with EJ and, in the process, decided she wanted Sami and EJ’s kid. Sloan could easily decide she wanted the same with her nemesis.

But this time, Rafe wouldn’t be lurking around growing suspicious and doing what he does best by investigating. Sloan, after all, knows the law inside and out and could probably put some roadblocks in the way of anyone who tried getting involved. Plus, she probably knows how to fake every bit of paper work she’d need.

Even better? This time not even Nicole knows she’s carrying Eric’s baby! Would the truth come out eventually? Probably, but that hasn’t stopped Sloan from taking desperate measures in the past. And if she’s pulled down far enough into the depths of despair, it may not stop her now.


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