Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Preview: Three Men’s Lives Are Turned Upside Down by Secrets

Three Men’s Lives Are Turned Upside Down by Secrets


A beaming Justin shows Maggie a document from Victor's briefcase.


In a Days of Our Lives preview for the week of  September 25 – 29, will either wedding go on? Read what happens and watch the preview below.

Smack dab in the middle of Horton Town Square, Chloe overhears Rex confiding in Philip that Xander is indeed the father of Sarah’s baby. We know it’s been a while since Rex was a regular in town, but someone should remind him in Salem you openly discuss your secrets you don’t want anyone to hear in the park! Not as if they are any safer there…

In tears, Chloe goes to Xander and cries, “You deserve to know the truth…” It’s a secret that could blow up Rex and Sarah, and Chloe and Xander’s pending weddings.

As Roman, Kate and the baby attend Rex and Sarah’s marriage, which is being officiated by Philip at The Brady Pub, Xander bursts in and crashes the party.

Maggie and Justin finally open the briefcase that Alex and Brady retrieved from Greece, the only thing to be recovered from Victor’s plane crash. Maggie reads a document and says, “Someone in this family is Victor’s son and he doesn’t know it!

In the next scene, Justin is crying in Bonnie’s arms. He then goes to Alex and says, “I don’t know how else to tell you this, but I’m not your father!” Given Theresa had her hands on that briefcase, we have to wonder if this revelation has any truth behind it?

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