Days of Our Lives

Day Of Our Lives : Gabi Returns From Prison With A Very Different Attitude And Appearance, Let’s Find Out…

Days of Our Lives Recast? Gabi Could Come Back From Prison Looking Very Different

Camila Banus"Days of our Lives" SetNBC StudiosBurbank06/23/21© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com310-657-9661Episode # 14219U.S.Airdate 11/11/21

Camila Banus’ exit from Days of Our Lives was a long time coming. The actress had finished filming for the show back in April, and viewers were left wondering for months how Gabi would exit. Would she die? Leave town after some disappointment? Simply fade away in Salem as sometimes happens? It turned out, it was none of the above as Gabi was unceremoniously shipped off to prison for a murder she didn’t commit.

At least, we don’t think she killed Li, but that’s a mystery that may take some time to unravel. Once it does, though, surely Gabi would be set free and given the opportunity to return to town, right?

With a police officer standing at attention, Stefan passionately kisses Gabi at the station.

Banus herself addressed this when she was on Dishin’ Days recently, though she did so in a bit of a roundabout way! It happened while the actress was discussing how much she’d have loved if Gabi’s big sis Arianna hadn’t died. As nice as it was to have big bro Rafe on the canvas, she explained that “it would have been nice to have a sister on the show. Especially Latinas, the closeness there. It would have been nice to have sister traditions on the show.”

With that said, Days of Our Lives could still explore the two sisters down the road because, as Banus pointed out, Gabi’s still around, more or less. “Who knows?” she began. “Gabi went to prison! Gabi could come back as someone else, who knows!”

Granted, even if Gabi did return, there’d still be the matter of Arianna being dead, but in Salem, that’s a condition that’s no more of a problem than the common cold. But it certainly sounds like even if Banus isn’t up to returning once Gabi’s released, there’s a very real possibility that the role could be recast to bring her back!

Rafe grins as he points his finger at Gabi. She tilts her head with a smirk.

After all, though Banus played Gabi for 14 years, she herself was originally a recast. And while we haven’t gotten any news that Gabi has been recast, it’s been around seven months since Banus stopped filming, which means there’d have been plenty of time for the show to find someone new to take over role and already start filming Gabi’s big return.

What do you think? Would you want Banus back in the role or would you be up for a recast if it meant bringing her back?

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