Days of Our Lives

Brady’s Joy Over Seeing Philip Quickly Turns to Rage, While Belle Fears For Shawn

Brady’s Joy Over Seeing Philip Quickly Turns to Rage, While Belle Fears For Shawn

In his office, Shawn looks at Belle’s missed calls and texts. He has nothing to say to her or anyone anymore and tosses his phone into his desk drawer. He picks up his gun, but stashes it when Paulina comes by. She’s giving Rafe his job back and hopes he’ll stay on as a detective. A subdued Shawn agrees that Rafe should be running the department. Paulina appreciates his graciousness, but notes he seems unsettled. Shawn assures her he’s fine. She leaves to find Rafe.

Alone, Shawn trashes his commissioner’s nameplate and considers his gun with a pained expression.

In Marlena’s office, Belle asks what Shawn told her in their sessions. Marlena can’t break confidentiality, but admits she’s concerned. Belle begs her to tell her what he said. Marlena shares that Shawn is hitting rock bottom, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s what everyone has to do before making things right. Belle fears what he might do to get rid of his pain.

Jada comes home to Rafe cleaning her room above the Pub. He can’t spend all his time watching Body & Soul. He makes them margaritas, which leads to flirting and making out. Jada feels bad that he made the bed so nice, and now they’re going to mess it up something awful. After sex, Jada suggests they go downstairs for a burger and beer. Rafe wants to make the bed even messier, and they go for round two.

At home, Steve brings Abe a beer as they watch Body & Soul. When a memory supplement commercial comes on, Abe laments not remembering Paulina. A news break announces she’s Salem’s new mayor. It kills Abe that he doesn’t remember how much he loves her. Steve thinks it’s time they got close again. Abe appreciates him, but he doesn’t think Steve knows what it’s like. Steve explains why he does, in fact, know. Recounting how Kayla didn’t give up on him, Steve recalls something telling him she was his destiny. So, he did his damnedest to get his memories back of his love for her. He thinks if Abe starts spending time with Paulina, he’ll fall in love with his wife all over again.

Brady and Philip hug in Chloe's open doorway.

As Philip turns to leave Chloe’s place, he opens the door to a dumbfounded Brady. “You’re alive?!” Brady says, pulling Philip into an embrace. Brady assumes Kristen had Philip stashed away to get to him. Chloe declares that Kristen didn’t do it. “Yes, she did,” Brady says. “She framed me for murder.” “No, Brady,” Philip says, sighing. “I did.”

Brady gravely asks Philip to explain. Philip goes into detail about setting him up because he was insanely jealous of him and Chloe. Philip profoundly apologizes. He’ll be sorry for the rest of his life. “Can you forgive me?” Brady considers, then punches Philip to the ground. Brady yells at him to get up so he can hit him again. Philip vows to make this right. Scoffing, Brady pulls out his phone to call the police.

With bared teeth, Brady's fist nears Philip's face. Philip stands waiting with closed eyes and parted lips.

Chloe grabs the phone out of his hand. She urges Brady to have some compassion, considering Philip just lost his father. Brady calls Philip a vindicative, psychotic dude and a coward. Brady taunts how proud Victor would be if he knew. Philip says he did know. Brady explodes upon learning his grandfather was fine sending him to prison for a murder he didn’t commit. Philip explains that’s why he and Kate revoked the paperwork declaring him dead. Without a body, Trask had no choice but to drop the charges.

Philip props himself on the ground with one hand, while pressing his other hand to his gaping mouth.

Brady wants Philip to go down for this and yanks his phone back from Chloe. She implores him to let this go for Victor — and for his family, who are in mourning. Brady will have to think about it. He storms out. Philip points out that even if Brady doesn’t call the cops, the truth will still come out, and he’s going to need a lawyer. Chloe says she’ll call Belle.

Brady scowls at Philip who wears a hangdog expression. Holding her phone, a stoic Chloe stands next to Philip.

As Belle prepares to find her husband, Shawn enters Marlena’s office. He needs them to take his gun from him because he’s not in a good place right now. Marlena asks if he was thinking about hurting himself. Shawn doesn’t know. All he knows is that he needs help. Marlena assures him there’s no shame in asking for help, no matter how many times you do it. Belle promises they’re going to help him. “I got you,” she lovingly says.

Marlena wants to put Shawn on a 24-hour hold to assess him. Belle assures him they’ll get through it together. Shawn is sorry he let her down. With tears in her eyes, she tells him how proud she is that he came to ask for help. Everything will be okay. She leaves them to talk.

Paulina interrupts Jada and Rafe’s meal at the Pub to ask Rafe back as commissioner. Rafe brings up the dating policy. Paulina won’t tolerate abuse of power, but if two colleagues want to date, and it doesn’t interfere with work, she has no problem with it. She’ll make sure the city council knows that as well. Rafe is happy to hear it, but he’ll decide after the policy is officially amended. He loves being commissioner, but he’s enjoying hanging out with Jada right now. She grins.

As they later share pie, Jada implores Rafe to take his job back. They’ll only have to stop seeing each other until the policy changes. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, she offers. “So does messing up the bed,” Rafe quips. He’s not sure he wants to go back, but he is sure he’s falling in love with her.

Paulina comes to Steve’s place to tell Abe about Rafe. He asks if she’d like to go on a date if she’s not too busy. She thinks she can make some time.

Alone with Marlena, Shawn apologizes for how he behaved earlier. Quitting therapy was a mistake, and he’s ready to get started again. Marlena assures him she’ll do everything possible to help him as her patient. But he’s also her family, and she loves him beyond words.


An emotional Belle tightly wraps her arms around Philip.

Outside Chloe’s door, a teary Belle texts Shawn that she loves him and will always be there for him. Composing herself, she knocks on the door. When Chloe answers, Belle asks who she needs a lawyer for. “See for yourself,” Chloe says, widening the door to a sheepish Philip. “You’re alive?!” Belle exclaims, rushing to embrace him. She’s so happy to see him. He hopes she feels that way after she hears what he’s done.

Brady comes to the commissioner’s office looking for Shawn. Finding it empty, he leaves a message that reads, “Call me. Important.”


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