Young and the Restless

As Nick and Sharon Contemplate Ditching Adam, Victor Makes His Final Decision

As Nick and Sharon Contemplate Ditching Adam, Victor Makes His Final Decision

At the tack house, Tessa weeps as she sings the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” to Aria. She realizes that the baby can’t hear her. Mariah is sure she can feel it anyway. After they put her to bed, Tessa takes a deep breath and they talk about all the support they need. Mariah wants to call Sharon and tell her the news. Her wife needs a hug first.

Sharon sighs as she sits in Chancellor Park. Adam arrives, assuming that she is angry at him for trying to take control at Newman Media. He wonders if she is plotting against him. She says not everything us about him. She’s thinking in much bigger terms and has made a decision that will affect the entire operation. When he heard her talking to Esther earlier, he guessed that she has a new plan for herself. Sharon will share what she’s thinking when she sees him with his father and brother. She doesn’t want to have to repeat her plans over and over. Her plans are in flux and she won’t give any more details.

When she mentions she needs to talk to Nick first, he’s miffed that she’s cutting him out of the loop. They bicker about his place at Newman Media and the extent to which he made it a success. She’s sure that he just wants his father to embrace him proudly and accuses him of spinning things the way he wants them to be. Those actions will have consequences. She’d thought they were starting to find some balance but he had to try grabbing power yet again. He shouldn’t be surprised if his partners decided on another direction. Adam assumes that she and Nick are hatching a counter-coup. Mariah calls and asks her to swing by for some news. Before she can rush off, Adam asks if there’s a plan to pull the rug out from under him. Sharon won’t tell him anything more and walks away.

Sharon went tell Adam her plan Y&R

Sharon visits the tack house and Mariah and Tessa fill her in on the meeting with the audiologist. It is likely that Aria’s hearing loss is not curable but the doctor wants to do more tests. There are treatment options and surgical procedures available but the thoughts of those are making them nervous. Sharon tries to keep them calm and reminds them that Aria will have lots of good days with them. They will just have to fit some other things into their days. This is scary and hard but they need to take it one step at a time. The wives tell her she’s good at pep talks. That’s why they called her and they know there’s no reason not to think the hearing aids won’t be successful. But it’s still tough to think of their little girl missing out. Tearing up, Mariah can’t stop thinking about if the little girl has been in pain. Sharon tells her not to think about that and to remember how much support they have from family and friends. They will help get Aria to a better place.

After Sharon leaves, they have tea and Mariah asks her to pretend she’s Aria and sing to her. They cuddle and Tessa sings. She can feel every vibration and it’s beautiful. Tessa weeps.

Audra is surprised that Victor has come to see her at her suite so soon. He informs her that the merger is happening. He makes it clear that this is the endgame he had in mind. Adam just wanted it sooner and he will no longer be a problem for her. She assumes he’s there to tell her she’s done at Newman Media. He announces that he has plans for her. Audra is not sure what that means. Victor is happy with what she has done and tells her to keep up the good work until she hears from him.

Nate is sitting in Victoria’s office. He sends her a text hoping that things are going smoothly for her in LA. Audra calls to say that Victor just met her and something is up.

Nate goes to Audra’s suite and she recaps her conversation with Victor. He’s not firing her but she doesn’t know what her status is. He did say he was impressed by her. Nate assures her that he has her back and there could be something better on the horizon for both of them. Things have been working out for them and they will continue to do so. She appreciates his support and encouragement. Having him in her corner makes her feel better. As far as alliances go, she’s used to dealing with Tucker, so this is a change. She asks about how long Victoria is out of town and suggests they grab dinner if he’s bored. That sounds good to him. He tells her not to stress out and exits. She gets a text from Kyle asking if she wants to do dinner. She writes back that she can’t but they can have drinks.

Audra appreciates Nate's support Y&R

Nick joins his bother at the ranch and they chat about Adam’s demand to be made head of Newman Media again. He and Sharon hate the whole idea. They had the best intentions when launching this new business venture but Adam blew it all up. Nikki admits that Victor is worried that he and Sharon are prepared to walk away from the deal. He concedes it’s possible. The last thing he wants to see is Sharon getting screwed over. After so many years that Adam’s life revolved around Sharon, he now seems to be acting without any thought for her. Victor has been bending over backwards for Adam for years but no one can “fail upwards” like his brother can. Nikki has been trying to make her husband see that making allowances for him is a mistake. Pacing, Nick says that all of his objections to his brother are valid. Nothing they can say to Victor seems to be enough to convince him to let Adam go. He’s tired of all the drama. He and Sharon need to focus on their own lives. Victor thinks he’s all-powerful, but that’s not the case with Adam. Nikki is sure that Adam likes being an outcast. Her son thinks that’s something Victor can’t understand.

Nikki and Nick are fed up with Adam Y&R

They are both sick of discussing his brother so she brings up all the bad things that have happened to him lately, including his own sister shoving him out of the company. The topic turns back to Adam and Nick doubts his father would tolerate the same behavior from his other children. Nikki hates to hear him talking like this and worries he could be pulling away from the family again. After she hands him a glass of water, he admits all the drama is wearing on him. She urges him to wait and see how this plays out because the company needs him and they are the only balanced people in the family. Nick doubts the chaos will ever end and he won’t live through endless power-plays.

Victor arrives and asks if he’s interrupted something. His son makes it clear that he’s tired of watching his brother try to muscle his way into the big chair and never face any consequences. Victor says that he will do as he sees fit. Nick says he won’t be part of it and exits. Nikki tells her husband that she can’t have their son pull away from the family again. He sits at his chess table and she tells him how hurt Nicholas is. Sighing, he says he just tries to do what’s best for his children. She explains their son is questioning his place in the family. Victor is sick of them fighting each other. Nikki thinks it’s all down to Adam. “All right. I will deal with it. I am going to come up with a solution this afternoon. They may not like it but I don’t give a damn,” he says.

Nikki and Victor discuss the options Y&R

Nate bumps into Adam at Crimson Lights. The Newman isn’t sharing any information about Newman Media. Nick joins them and explains that everything involved in the merger is on hold. Nate starts probing and tells Adam that taking advantage of Audra only proves he’s weak and pathetic. He wishes Nick luck in getting his brother as far away from his business as possible.

Nate, Nick, and Adam argue about business Y&R

Once Nate is gone, Sharon arrives and announces she wants to speak to Nick in private. Adam protests that they can’t ice him out. Ignoring this, Nick and Sharon get a table and she tells him she knows exactly what she wants. She wants to get Kirsten Inc. back. It was worth a shot to try things with Adam but this is untenable. She’s worried about how ugly things could get with Victor if they pull out. Nick offers to back her all the way. His mom wants him to come back to Newman but he’s not sure after all that’s happened. They get texts from Victor summoning them to the ranch.

Sharon and Nick split from Adam Y&R

Adam bumps into Audra in the bar at the GCAC. She says it looks like he’s getting what he wants. His father told her the merger is going through and asks if she is in danger of losing her position. He makes it clear he doesn’t know what’s happening. She wonders if they are both about to be unemployed. He laughs when a summons from his father arrives by text.


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