Days of Our Lives

And the Results of the DNA Test Are… Not What Anyone Expected! Plus, Stefan’s Plot Against Clyde

And the Results of the DNA Test Are… Not What Anyone Expected! Plus, Stefan’s Plot Against Clyde

Greg Vaughan, Jessica Serfaty, Arianne Zuker "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 05/26/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14741 U.S.Airdate 12/05/23

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

In Salem today, Dimitri walks into the interrogation room just after Leo signs the deal, but when he tells EJ to let Leo go, the DA tears up the agreement. He’s going to go after both of them for killing his son. Dimitri tells EJ the deal was signed and it’s legally binding, but when that doesn’t work, he tells the DA to take him or he’ll get nothing from him. Without a confession, he probably won’t be able to make anything stick, “with the success rate of the Salem PD.”

Outside the room, Rafe demands to know why a deal was cut with Leo, but Harris informs him that EJ cut a deal for Dimitri. Rafe’s dumbfounded that he turned himself in, but he’ll take the win. They then move onto the disappearing evidence and whether or not it was an inside job. Rafe muses that it had something to do with Harris’ keys going missing.

Maybe someone lifted them who wasn’t a cop, Rafe suggests. And now the case will probably be thrown out. Harris feels awful for letting this happen and Rafe demands his badge… then tells him he’s just kidding. They then go back to celebrating getting Dimitri just as EJ comes out and demands Rafe book “that SOB.”

Dan Feuerriegel, Greg Rikaart, Peter Porte "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 05/24/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14740 U.S.Airdate 12/04/23

Rafe books Dimitri and tells Leo he’s free to go, then the two get a moment alone. They go over Jackie Cox’s visit and Leo admits he’s completely conflicted about this. Dimitri says Leo tried to do the same thing for him. Also, he was the one who did everything from attempted murder to assault, so… he guesses it’s fair.

Leo thinks he might still end up in prison too somehow, but Dimitri says it won’t happen because they didn’t kill the baby. He’s still alive. Leo freaks out and starts yelling and Dimitri tries to shush him up before Rafe comes in to lead him away.

Stefan, meanwhile, scares the [bleep] out of Ava as he surprises her in the closed bistro. Clyde gave him keys when Gil died. He wants the restaurant open again, but Stefan refuses. He doesn’t want to move the drug money.

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“What the hell choice do we have?” Ava asks. Stefan’s decided the only way out is to kill Clyde. “I will do anything and everything to keep my wife safe.” And that includes killing Clyde. Ava gets it, but taking him out from the outside is almost impossible. Stefan, though, has an idea. He’s going to visit Clyde to keep him abreast of what’s going on, and while at prison, meet up with “someone” to get the job done.

And by someone, she means his mother’s henchman — Ivan! It’ll just take a phone call to Alamania and ask his mom to have Ivan eliminate Clyde Weston. But Ava doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Take him out and his network of people could come after them. Plus, if the “washed up valet” screws up, then Clyde’s killing Tripp and Gabi. Instead, they should keep him happy.

Steve Burton, Tamara Braun "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 05/19/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14742 U.S.Airdate 12/06/23

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No, Stefan says, he’ll keep demanding more and it’ll get harder to keep him happy. As long as Clyde is around, they’ll be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives. Ava agrees they need to figure out a better way to get rid of him. They then argue who should have better assassin connections, the DiMeras or the Vitalis — just before Harris walks in.

Stefan makes an excuse about having bought the bistro and letting Ava run it. Harris asks how she feels about it, and she’s fine. “I just want to make sure Stefan doesn’t take any big risks right out the gate,” she says as she stares him down. Stefan promises he won’t, but he has to run. When he gets back, they’ll discuss the “waste management plan,” then leaves.

Ava’s pleased to see Harris, but he needed his spirits lifted. He tells her about the missing evidence and keys and he blames himself, but Ava tries to assure him it wasn’t his fault. But also, she didn’t notice what happened to the keys. Sorry. Outside, Stefan calls Vivian.

Days' Sloan looking at Eric and Nicole in horror as they hold the envelope with DNA test results

Sloan’s in Kayla’s office demanding that Nicole and Eric put a stop to the DNA test. Nicole knows exactly why she’s freaking out, but “the truth is about to come out.” Sloan stares her down, then freaks out some more. Eric calms her down and says they need to do it. “Fine,” she shrugs. “Go ahead.” Nicole snatches the test, opens it and… the DNA isn’t a match. She can’t understand what happened. Eric and Sloan are sorry, but Nicole doubts it.

Kayla walks in and asks if they need any help with interpreting. Nicole’s almost in tears as she asks if there was a mistake. And Kayla says they didn’t test the baby’s DNA against hers. The lab couldn’t get enough DNA from the toothbrush, so they used EJ’s DNA leftover from before to test… and it didn’t match.

Oh, Sloan marvels. There’s no question EJ’s the father of their baby, right? Well, this proves it’s not theirs. Nicole breaks down, and when Eric tries apologizing she pushes him away and rushes out. “Thanks for humoring me,” she snarls, then says a tearful goodbye to the baby as Sloan looks shell shocked.

Greg Vaughan, Jessica Serfaty, Arianne Zuker "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 05/26/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14741 U.S.Airdate 12/05/23

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Back at the mansion, EJ arrives as Nicole stares off in despair. He had to let Leo go free and drop the felony charges, but he’s got Dimitri and he’s going away for a long time. EJ will make them pay. She doesn’t care. She thought their baby was alive, but now she knows he’s not and she’s got no choice but to accept it. Nicole then tells him about the DNA test and how it all blew up in her face. “I just feel like I lost our baby all over again. As I held him at the side of the road he was dying and I should have known something was wrong!”

EJ comforts her as she starts to cry, but she felt so sure Eric and Sloan’s baby was hers. “What kind of mother doesn’t know her own child?!” EJ tells her she’s suffered a tragic loss, this isn’t her fault. They’ll get through it together. She should be grateful for all she has, but she had such a deep connection with the baby she just briefly held. EJ smiles and says he knows. He felt that connection too, even never meeting him.

Eric and Sloan get home and she snaps at him for humoring Nicole. That’s just giving voice to the idea that she’s some “depraved baby snatcher who ripped him from her arms.” He doesn’t believe that, of course… but she did freak out about the test results like she was hiding something. “That’s really hurtful, Eric!” She then turns it back on him for hiding the DNA test without her knowledge. He goes to check on the baby and she calls Rafe to check on Leo and Dimitri, relieved it went down as planned.

Greg Vaughan, Jessica Serfaty "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 05/26/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14741 U.S.Airdate 12/05/23She tells Eric the good news and he congratulates her and apologizes. He just wanted to help Nicole find closure. She apologizes for overreacting and graciously says he was right. They then decide it’s time their baby has a name. Eric thinks they should name him Jude. “Like the Beatles son?” No, like the patron saint of lost causes. Sloan thinks that’s perfect.

Next on Days of Our Lives, Sloan tries to keep Eric from reading the results, and Stefan fills Ava in on his plan.

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