General Hospital

After All That She’s Been Through, General Hospital’s Sasha… Replaced?!?

After All That She’s Been Through, General Hospital’s Sasha… Replaced?!?

GENERAL HOSPITAL - Episode "15006" - "General Hospital" airs Monday - Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)


Aw, c’mon. General Hospital killed off Sasha’s baby and husband, allowed monster-in-law Gladys to rob her blind, threw her in a mental hospital and had a mad doctor terrorize her. And now, on Friday, Oct. 13, Lucy and Maxie are going to contemplate replacing their model as the Face of Deception.

Seriously? To paraphrase Days of Our Lives’ Susan Banks, that’s just mean, mean, mean.

And on one hand, OK, fine. After all that Sasha has been through, it’s gonna take her a minute to get her legs underneath her again. But on the other, couldn’t her bosses who are also her friends cool their jets for long enough to let her do so? Do their cosmetics ads really need a glow-up right this very second?

maxie lucy

If Lucy and Maxie do end up replacing Sasha, our money is on the gig going to one of two people: Trina, who could follow in the footsteps of Miss Star Eyes Laura and remain front and center when Spencer leaves the canvas (here’s why Nicholas Alexander Chavez is taking off), or Blaze, whose music career would certainly get a boost from a high-profile modeling contract.

As an added bonus, were Blaze to get the job, it would put her manager Brook Lynn back in the mix at Deception, thereby undoing some of the damage done by granny Tracy.

Got a better idea for the new face of Deception? Drop it in a comment.

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