General Hospital

As General Hospital’s Nina Unleashes Her Fury, Her Future Is Looking Downright Dire: ‘Sonny’s a Love Bomber…’

As General Hospital’s Nina Unleashes Her Fury, Her Future Is Looking Downright Dire: ‘Sonny’s a Love Bomber…’

GH mashup, Carly on the phone between Sonny and Nina

Is the truth finally about to come out on General Hospital? We know, that’s a loaded question in Port Charles, but the revelation we’re talking about is Nina throwing Carly and Drew under the bus for insider trading and sending the latter off to prison for a time. If there was ever a time for it to happen, it would be now! Sonny and Nina finally got married after what feels like years of build up, which means things are bound to go wrong for them!

Then there’s spoilers for next week, from Nina unleashing her fury on someone (dare we guess a certain ex wife of Sonny’s?) to Carly running off to get answers from Sonny. And then finally, by Friday, November 17, it’s Sonny’s turn to wrest the truth from Nina. So does that mean “Sona” is just about at the end of their road?

Laura Wright joined Spinelli and Jason (otherwise known as Bradford Anderson and Days of Our Lives‘ Steve Burton) on the very first episode of The Daily Drama Podcast and chatted about virtually all things Carly on General Hospital. And two of the biggest figures in Carly’s life, whether she wants them to be or not, are Nina and Sonny.

Nina says I do GH

When Burton brought up the recent marriage, Anderson scoffed, “And that’s not under duress?”

“No,” Wright confirmed, “willingly.” Anderson then asked what the odds were in those two lasting. It probably won’t surprise many folks, but none of them thought they were very good! First off, as Wright pointed out, Sonny isn’t exactly known for sticking with one woman.

“I mean, we all know it’s Sonny,” she laughed. “Sonny’s a love bomber. Love the one you’re with. He falls in love and then he’s like, ‘Hey, what’s your name? How are you doing?’ On to the next girl!”

Nina and Sonny talk wedding GH

But then she filled the fellas in on what Nina had done in turning Drew and Carly in for insider trading. Drew just got out of prison after he went to jail for Carly, “but none of us know” what Nina had done, Wright admitted. Carly is sure to be furious when she finds out what happened and rains holy hell down on Nina’s head.

But that could be nothing compared to Sonny’s reaction.

“Listen,” Burton insisted, “if Sonny does not get rid of [Nina] in the river, I mean, what Sonny are we talking about?” Anderson pointed out that he thought the river drowning was more Jason’s thing, but Burton just shrugged that off, pointing out, “Well, [Sonny] taught me.”

In other words, Jason’s not around, so Sonny would have to do his own dirty work! Still… Sonny isn’t quite the violent guy of old, plus he’s got something of a soft spot for Nina already.

“I mean, seriously,” Wright pointed out, “she kept him from his family for nine months and he chose her over Carly. And had an affair.”

What’s a little insider trading betrayal compared to that? Will “Sona” survive the revelation? Will Nina?? All we know is that we’ll have to keep an eye out on General Hospital next week, because it sure sounds like the you-know-what is about to hit the fan!

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